You have no idea the number of exercises that there are for you to do each and every day of your life that could help you lose weight and improve your overall health. Now the reasons for exercise might be quite different some of you might just want to lose weight, some might want to just relieve the stress at the end of a long day of work and some of us may just want to be more feeling like her old self back in the days when we were in high school.
Believe it or not performing some type of regular exercise can help you feel better emotionally because it increases your body’s endorphins level. It can also help you in feeling more energetic and it can keep the systems of your body working in harmony together and actually increase the number of years that you will live and also improve the quality of these years. I will now review some of the benefits and things you to do for exercise in order to improve your overall health.
There a tremendous number of exercise routines that you continue to get your body active, increase your muscle tone, burn fat and increase your heart rate. Now with this being said some people like switching things up and doing a different exercise each and every day and others might like to stick with one particular form of exercise that they really enjoy doing. So whichever best describes you that’s what you really should focus on.
Because you want to be able to wake up each and every day and not agonize over the upcoming physical activity sessions that you have planned. For some of us going to the spa and walking on a treadmill or doing some light weightlifting is what makes us happy. And if this is what you like and I say get to it and do it. Some might like to play tennis or basketball. While other people might like walking, jogging, swimming, bicycle riding, playing baseball or even a little game of touch football.
And again I’m not saying that you should do the same thing each and every day it’s probably a good thing to have different activities planned throughout the week that way you never get bored.
Scientists have performed a staggering numbers of clinical studies and research studies to determine what’s the biased type of exercise for losing weight and improving your overall health.
They’re trying to find a definite exact number. The number of minutes you should be exercising each and every day in order for you to live longer. And also they are trying to find the type of exercises that you should be doing. Whether it’s running, jogging, weightlifting performing high intensity exercises are low intensity exercises. And the studies have been going on for many many years.
Now one of my most favorite types of exercises aerobic exercise. And any tape of aerobic exercise you should normally increase your heart rate. These type of exercises can be jogging, running, playing basketball or baseball. Basically it is increasing the amount of times that your heartbeats. The goal of aerobic exercise is basically to increase your heart rate, have your heart pump more blonde blood throughout your body, pump more oxygen to the cells of your body and also to burn more calories and burn more body fat.
And then there is high-intensity exercises. High-intensity exercises can be asked elusive weightlifting or resistance training, it can be sprinting over 10 or 20 feet or yards. To be running up steps and to be doing some type of plyometric exercise like jump power squats. Now these type of high-intensity exercises are also aerobic in nature. But these type of exercises will actually help increase your body’s musculature.
Most studies seem to indicate that if you exercise anywhere from 20 – 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise you will improve your overall health.
Now one interesting study noted that if you exercise for approximately 150 minutes a week you can lower your mortality rate approximately 31% lower than people who do not exercise at all. But interestingly people who exercised ten times more than that didn’t have any improvement in their lower mortality rate.
This study showed that the people who experienced the most benefit from exercise are those who exercised at a moderate intensity for approximately 450 minutes a week. These people lowered their risk of dying prematurely by 39%. Yes that’s right 39%. And if you were to do the math this comes out to be about 64 minutes of exercise 7 days of the week.
Or you could even do exercise 5 days a week but do it over 90 minute period. Personally I choose to work out 7 days a week because I really do not have 90 minutes to devote just to exercise during the week.
This sounds like it can be painful to be totally honest but if you tried to make things fun like playing a basketball game with a bunch of your friends or a game of tennis or even if you wanted to go a little bit more quickly while you were mowing your lawn or doing some type of household activities to speed up your heart rate you could make this a bit more fun and a bit more effective for losing weight and being healthy. One of my neighbors actually walks his dog and every time the dog makes a stop, to do you know what, my friend does jump squats and jumping jacks while his dog is taking care of business.
So if you could incorporate exercise into your everyday life it can be much more fun and much more effective.
Now with all of this great information on one why you should exercise you reaching every day I do have to put up a warning flag because of you were someone who has been sanitary for a long period of time and you have lots of weight to you lose please use your brain and start at your exercise program with moderation. Start by exercising may be just 15 minutes every day in over the course of time increase the amount of minutes you are exercising every day. Even better I would suggest you talk with your medical doctor so that he can review your overall program and give you the okay for you put yourself in any type of danger.
I hope this article help to to achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health and wellness.